Wylde Green United Reformed Church

Making the love of Jesus a reality in the community 7 days a week.

Weekly Newsletter

I think we had one of our best church meetings ever last week. There seemed a real air of positivity as we agreed to go forward with the youth worker. And we also have a wonderful picture for the front of our prayer cards.
The youth worker will be a key appointment and it is primarily an outreach job- connecting us with the community. While I must repeat the mantra (to myself probably more than anyone else) “there are no silver bullets”, I do have great hopes that this is another huge  piece of the puzzle of church renewal.
And I believe the more we engage with the community the more we will be effective in telling our faith story. And this week is full of community. We are walking to Litchfield on a sponsored walk for the defibrillator. We also have the concert on Friday night and the Pink-nic on Sunday.
It is going to be a busy weekend. I encourage you to come and take part at something. I’d also encourage you to donate to our defibrillator fund at https://www.gofundme.com/f/defibrillator-and-bleed-kit-walkathon. It might literally be a lifesaver!
Let’s hope for sunny but not too hot weather for the walk!


This week
Friday 7pm. Peacey J Nambi and Gospel Bell Concert. This is a concert of African music and dance with a retiring collection going to Youth with a Mission in Uganda.  
Saturday July 20. Sponsored Walk. Mike Westley is leading a team of walkers to raise money to put a defibrillator and bleed kit at the front of the church. You can join us by responding to WGURCRSVP@proton.me or sponsor us at https://www.gofundme.com/f/defibrillator-and-bleed-kit-walkathon  

• 11am Communion Service
• 3-5 Pink- nic. A BBQ  and picnic for the LGBTQA+ community on the field.
• 5.30 Family Time

2pm Exercise Class

• 9.30 Bible Study
• 12.30 Prayer and Lunch.

Coming Up
• Food Court 27 July  5-8pm. Church Carkpark.
• Open Manse. 28 July.  Will and I will be opening the manse for the afternoon between 2 and 4.30. There will be scones, cake and drinks.  Please RSVP at WGURCRSVP@proton.me  so we can cater.
• Discussion Café 28 July at 6.30.  We will be exploring the theology of AI.
• Day out to Stratford August 20. We are planning a day trip to Stratford to include a guided walking tour of the town and perhaps a nice lunch or afternoon tea in a cafe. Please let Helen Rowe know if you are interested in coming and then we can make arrangements to suit everyone.

Dates for your Diary in August
• 5-9th August Church Holiday to Swansea
• 1th August Pet Service
• 20th August Church Day Out To Stratford
• 22nd August 7.30pm Ami Quartet Concert
• 31st August 5pm Food Court

  • Britwell Road
  • Boldmere
  • Sutton Coldfield
  • B73 5SW

0121 240 1229
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