Wylde Green United Reformed Church

Making the love of Jesus a reality in the community 7 days a week.

About Us

Who are we?

To be honest we’re trying to figure this out.

What we can tell you we are a church in transition. In many ways we are a traditional church who is trying to work out how to become relevant without throwing everything out as we’re trying to respond to the enormous changes that are sweeping the church.

As a result, our 11am worship is traditional with a choir and a junior church that goes out for part of worship each week. Our evenings are less formal and more interactive 

We also are deeply interested in inclusivity, the environment and progressive theology. We are also very active in the community where we have frequent events such as community fairs, concerts and social events.

Everyone is welcome - and we mean that Everyone is Welcome. We are part of the Inclusive Church network.

urc logo


Our Denomination is the United Reformed Church

We are a small denomination that privileges consensus and freedom of conscience.  Each URC is different as most decisions are made within each church. You can learn more about the URC at https://urc.org.uk.


Our Minister

Rev Chris DowdRev Dr Christopher (Chris) Dowd is our minister.   He describes himself as someone who feels  that Jesus calls all into a movement that calls us to become our best selves and is completely clear he is as much a work in progress as anyone else.

He lives with his partner Will, their dogs, chickens, bees and a garden that is probably more smallholding than most gardens in Boldmere.


Our Leadership

Wylde Green is primarily governed by elected trustees we call elders who report to the assembled church membership every three months.  

  • Britwell Road
  • Boldmere
  • Sutton Coldfield
  • B73 5SW

0121 240 1229
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